We have been running Company Secretary Groups at locations in England for a number of years. These groups are private – anyone from our contact network can come along, but they are essentially confidential and informal groups. Company Secretaries and people in their departments – such as assistant co secs – and others who have been in these roles, or who work closely offering these services, are all welcome.
Recently, the attendance at the groups has been declining. This is not universally true – some still thrive. But others are attracting lower numbers. So, it is now a case of ‘use it or lose it’. We will monitor demand – and attendance – but if groups are clearly not in demand, we will stop running them.
The groups do offer a great opportunity for people doing very similar roles, but in very different companies, to meet and compare notes on what the current issues and trends may be, how they are tackling them – and hearing about the experiences and advice of others. Sometimes, there will be an informal presentation followed by discussion but also everyone is invited to contribute ideas, questions or informal sessions. What we are told is that they are a ‘safe space’ where one Company Secretary to another, can chat, glean information and listen to someone else’s experiences.
They are free to attend. There is no ‘selling’, and to be candid, EquityCommunications Ltd has never run this network as a commercial opportunity – they really are what they purport to be: free, private, no-pressure, informal and, we think, very useful.
We’d love to keep running them – but in busy times, maybe they no longer have a place. Let us know if you’d be interested in coming – or keeping them running.
Do any members have experience of using CCH Company Secretarial software. We are considering this as an alternative to CoAct/Diligent Entities?