Corona Virus: our policy and how we can help you
- At the moment, Company Secretaries are still coming to terms with the aftermath of the pandemic and we are all working on how ‘normal’ will look in the future.
- We can help you. We have our active Notice Board area where you can post questions about tactics, and read what your peers across the UK are doing. You can find that facility here.
- Once you have established some normal routines, we can continue to work with you to conduct your Board evaluation – in fact, once things do settle down, this might be the ideal time to get it out of the way, so you don’t have to worry about it once things begin to return to normal.
- We often use remote video-link meeting spaces meaning that we can talk to you ‘face to face’ to discuss and agree the scope of your evaluation. We can then draft it all for you, and if you wish, even email all the documentation out to the Board members. The interviews – if this is what you want – can then also happen remotely in the video facility, meaning all your Board members can just join us for their virtual appointments.
- Questionnaire-based evaluations can be conducted as usual.
- We have now evaluated many clients during the pandemic and also in the new epidemic period. Our experience of working with Boards over the last 24 months gives us a depth of experience that can also help you.
Contact us to discuss how we can help you.
One size does not fit all. At EquityCulture Ltd, we know that each Board needs an individual approach and so that is what we deliver. Deciding to undertake a Board evaluation with an external facilitator should begin with a conversation about what form you would like the evaluation to take.
Increasingly, we are also being asked to evaluate the Boards of companies which do not have to undertake an independent assessment. Here is a testimonial from a Board evaluation which we completed in June 2018, for William Grant and Sons Ltd, a privately owned family company:
“The WG&S Board were very pleased with the tailored approach taken by the EquityCulture team, and the genuine interest with which all views were taken into account. The succinct distillation of issues in the final report was thought provoking, and the open discussions ensuing, have been very helpful in further improving board effectiveness.” Quote: from a William Grant and Sons Supervisory Board Member.
Please use the links on the right to explore the evaluation options or contact us to discuss your requirements.