A AIM Assistant Company Secretary writes...
We are an AIM listed company with 40 global subsidiaries and we are currently seeking a company secretarial software provider. Within the team we have experience of Blueprint and GEMs, but wondered if anyone has any experience of and would recommend any other software packages (such as Jordan’s PC Sec, eShare’s Entity Squared or Corporatek’s EnGlobe)? Although we have a relatively small number of entities to manage at present, we are keen to engage a software which could cope with larger numbers of entities globally in the future and which will allow us to file online with companies house or other overseas registries.
Does anyone have any suggestions / recommendations please?
FTSE250 said
Other than Blueprint and GEMS I haven’t used any other but was very closed to move to eShare’s Entity Squared when I was working for a smaller organization with potential to grow. What liked about them was the opportunity that they offered to grow with us and were very accommodating and open to changes.