The Company, Limited Liability Partnership and Business (Names and Trading Disclosures) Regulations 2015, which came into force on 31 January 2015, have relaxed requirements regarding display of registered name where the premises is shared by six or more companies. Have or will any groups be taking advantage of these relaxed rules, particularly in respect of names displayed at the registered office and if so, what changes will they make?
We have removed the display boards from our reception areas at those locations where six or more companies have their registered office. Each registered office will now have its own list of companies registered at that address, which will be kept for inspection if required.
The lists will be maintained by the Company Secretarial Department.
We have followed exactly the same approach as BG Group.
At BG Group plc we have taken down the display board from our reception listing the names of all UK subsidiaries who share the same address as their registered office. There is no other Group location used as UK registered office. We continue to maintain a formal list of the same within the Group Secretariat department.