“What do other company secretaries think is the best way of producing a large group structure chart? We have 200+ companies in our group and currently use Blueprint in conjunction with Visio and are wondering if anyone can recommend an alternative software/process?”
FTSE100 said
Similar to the first respondent – we have found that it’s much easily to maintain the chart manually in Visio. We have over 250 Group entities.
FTSE100 said
I know of several entities that manually create complicated group structures by outsourcing to a specialist : I can recommend
Mike Lambourne
MSL Graphics
AIM said
In my previous FTSE100 company I used Blueprint and grouped companies together into separate sheets to correspond with our divisional structure. The sheets could then be pieced together to make a total struture chart (which took up a large wall pin board)
In my current AIM company we are a much smaller group so I manually produce a chart using Microsoft and then update as and when things chnage.
FTSE100 said
Although it was a few years ago we spent quite some time looking at how best to produce our group chart. Given our structure we found it difficult to get an acceptable version using GEMS and Visio etc.
Althoght it runs the risk of things getting out of step we found that the best result was to manually product the structure chart in Visio and update whenever a company moves etc.
We have found this gives us a chart that we can group to show operational as well a legal structures.