“I am currently using the Blueprint Insider module to maintain my insider lists, send notifications of close periods etc. The module has never worked very well and entails a session with the ICSA support team each time I want to use it. Does anybody know alternative Insider List software providers?”
I have never felt the need to use specialist software for this task, a simply spread sheet has done the job very well.
FTSE100 said
We use Lintstock but had problems with emails from the database not being delivered. The solution that was suggested is to send the email from our email system. We use the database to generate the address lists and then paste into an email.
FTSE250 said
Whats wrong with spreadsheets?
FTSE100 said
Linstock are good and provide excellent customer service. Bit expensive though. The person to speak with is Oliver Ziehn – oz@lintstock.com
FTSE250 said
I too use the Lintstock product which works very well and the Lintstock team are very helpful in their support when required.
FTSE100 said
Lintstock allows you to maintain general insiders and project insiders lists; it’s very intuitive and easy to use; you can send notifications and include attachments. In addition, I use the system as a source of information for benchmarking, corporate governance contacts, etc
FTSE100 said
We use lintsock and have found the system to be very user friendly and the back up to be very supportive and responsive.
I have used Lintstock’s solution in several companies and agree it works well. Good service.
FTSE100 said
Lintstock works very well