A EX LISTED General Counsel & Company Secretary writes...
As a private company we are currently putting in place a governance structure, appointing NEDs for the first time and are trying to establish what base fee, and fee for membership of the Audit Committee, listed companies are paying their NEDs. We would be grateful if companies would be willing to share this information please.
Chair £60k, NED £30k A&R premium £5k. Note only 4 meetings a year for NED, 6 for A&R Chair and c 12 for Chair.
We are a private company, and the closest choice is ex-listed.
I am CoSec of a company in the lower half of the FTSE250 (at least I was last time I looked … who knows where we are in the ranking now!). We pay our NEDs £50,040 (it generally uplifts in line with workforce wages). We don’t pay anything in addition for membership of any committee as all NEDs are on all 3 committees (Audit, Rem and Nom). The Audit Chair receives an additional £7.5k (as do the Rem Chair and the SID).
Hope this helps.
£58k for NEDs and £12k for Chairs and SID