Within the monthly board papers we provide a summary of the following;-
- Share dealings by PLC Directors/Senior Execs (details and the name of the individual)
- Share scheme activity by PLC Directors/Seniors Execs (details and the name of the individual) and a summary of all other participants (but not named)
What do other companies provide? Is there any requirement to provide this (especially the summary of the other participants)?
FTSE250 said
We always report to the next Board meeting share dealings of Directors and other PDMRs together with their resulting shareholding compared with the shareholding requirement. I am not aware of any requirement to do this but regard it as good practice.
FTSE250 said
We do not report share dealing to the Board, nor have I in other companies for whom I have worked
FTSE250 said
We provide details (including name) of share dealings by anyone on the insider list.
I am not aware of a requirement to provide this to the Board. Obviously permission to deal has to be obtained from the Chairman for directors’ dealings. We do not provide these details as part of the Board papers. However, whenever a plc directors deals in shares the Stock Exchange announcement is circulated to the other Board members. We do not provide details of Senior Execs dealings.