“From a governance perspective, how important is it – or how important should it be – that the company assesses independently what shareholders think about the company’s strategy and performance and/or what they think about the performance of the Board and/or executive team?
Notwithstanding any contact that the Chairman and/or SID has with shareholders, to what extent do other companies make an ‘independent’ assessment (via the Secretariat function / some sort of external audit) of the general level of and satisfaction with, stakeholder engagement between the Board and the shareholders?
Has anyone used a third party to provide this service?”
FTSE100 said
We allow employees to deal the day of the announcement of results as the information is in the public domain as of 07:00. Employees are not required to acknowledge acknowledge that they have been added to a project list – we keep a record of them being added and tat is sufficient.
FTSE100 said
We don’t allow dealing on the same day, allowing the market to absorb the information/’settle’ before insiders may deal the following day.
Acknowledgement is required on a project by project basis in addition to the normal insider acknowledgement.
FTSE250 said
We require one day following the day we announce our interims and prelims to elapse for the market to settle before insiders may deal. We also require acknowledgement on a project by project basis in addition to normal insider acknowledgement.
FTSE100 said
We allow employees to deal on the day of announcement but encourage PDMRs to wait until the day after.
All employees on project lists, including ‘regular’ insiders, have to sign a separate acknowledgement in relation to that project. We also include in this acknowledgement that they agree not to talk to anyone about the project who is not on the list and to inform the Company Secretary of anyone who becomes aware of the project who is not on the list.
FTSE250 said
We allow employees to deal on the day of the announcement, assuming there are no other reasons for imposing a restriction.
Permanent insiders who are also placed on a project list would be required to acknowledge their obligations.
FTSE100 said
We allow employees to deal on the day of announcement but restrict PDMRs until the day after. All employees on project lists, including ‘regular’ insiders, have to sign a separate acknowledgement in relation to that project.
We allow employees to deal on the same day as results are announced, assuming no continuing prohibited period.
We have seperate insider lists for projects and we require individuals to acknowledge their obligations.
FTSE100 said
Employees allowed to deal (but must seek permission) as soon as release is public. Yes, employees are asked to acknowledge responsibilities if added to a new project list even if on the main list.
FTSE250 said
We allow employees to deal immediately after the announcement of results on the basis they are no longer in possession of inside information as the information is in the public domain. We do not require emplyees to acknowledge that they have been added to a project list.