A FTSE250 Group Company Secretary writes...
Our Designated NED for workforce engagement holds sessions with groups of employees at each of our locations on an annual basis. These are randomly selected rather than an elected forum. We have tried 2 methods – 1. open discussion and 2. the NED gives a short presentation on a topic and then takes Q&A.
We have found that neither are really engaging employees.
Are there any formats or topics that others have found to be successful in engaging with employees?
Have a workforce representative elected by each department. Ensure agenda is agreed in advance and appropriately circulated. Each rep must seek feefdback from department prior to each meeting. If the rep isnt enthusiastic/has nothing to say, replace him. Consider making workforce representation a paid role with a small stipendiary representing additional responsibilities. A good Chair is key (usually Head of HR) as is the support of senior managers. Consider Board/employee engagement at events to support the work of the committee.
FTSE250 said
We have adopted similar approaches to satisfy Provision 41 of the UK CGC so I don’t think that I would be able to help. However, I am curious as to how you are measuring employee engagement and how that is driving your view that your approach is not engaging employees?