A FTSE250 Deputy Secretary writes...
Our Remuneration Committee is increasingly asking for more and more information about the remuneration of individuals further and further down the organisation. In the past they have approved the remuneration of the Exec Directors and Company Secretary, and noted the remuneration of the Executive Committee, along with approving the usual share awards etc. Recently they’ve been requesting detailed salary and benefits information for the tier below this, i.e. all the direct reports of the Executive Committee. I would be interested to hear what information other companies currently provide to their Remuneration Committees please.
FTSE250 said
Our Remuneration Committee approves the remuneration for the Chairman, Executive Directors and Executive Committee plus any material out of policy packages and share awards etc. There is an interest in having more information about the approach taken across the business but this is in the context of ensuring that the arrangements for the senior team are fair rather than a desire to get involved in the decision making for the wider population.
FTSE250 said
We have the traditional RemCom remit of Chairman of the Company, Executive Directors and senior management, defined as ExCom members and including the CoSec. In addition, they approve remuneration packages in excess of £200k even if they refer to people who are not the chairman, executive directors or ExCom.
FTSE100 said
Our Remuneration Committee reviews the remuneration of those colleagues whose total remuneration is greater than two-thirds of the average of the total remuneration of the Executive Committee .
none for the level below the senior management team
FTSE100 said
Our Remuneration Committee approves the remuneration of the Exec Directors Company the Executive Committee, along with approving the usual share award. It only gets involved lower down if a proposed employment offer/promotion is outside of the normal policy for the grade.